Baby Name Meaning

Meaning of Sushumna

Name: Sushumna
Meaning: Sushumna is a nadi in the subtle human body, it is one of the body's main energy; Channels that connects the base Chakra to the crown Chakra
Gender: Girl
Numerology (Chaldean): 6
Numerology (Pythagorean): 8
Name Vibrations: Buy Report
Religion: Hindu
Rashi: कुंभ(Aquarius) - गु(Gu), गे(Ge), गो(Go), सा(Saa), सी(See), सू(Soo), से(Se), सो(So), दा(Daa)
Nakshatra: शतभिषा(Shatabhisha) - गो(Go), सा(Saa), सी(See), सू(Soo)
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