Baby Name Meaning

Meaning of Roop

Name: Roop
Meaning: Goddess Durga; A kind of bird, commonly called Mainaa; A bow or stick used for playing any stringed instrument; Name of the Tutelary Goddess of Shaareetaka, same as Saarikaa
Gender: Girl
Numerology (Chaldean): 6
Numerology (Pythagorean): 1
Name Vibrations: Buy Report
Religion: Hindu
Rashi: तुला(Libra) - रा(Raa), री(Ree), रू(Roo), रे(Re), रो(Ro), ता(Taa), ती(Tee), तू(Too), ते(Te)
Nakshatra: स्वाती(Swati) - रू(Roo), रे(Re), रो(Ro), ता(Taa)
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