Baby Name Meaning

Meaning of Bhairavi

Name: Bhairavi
Meaning: Goddess Durga; A melody in classical music; Formidable; A form of Goddess Kali
Gender: Girl
Numerology (Chaldean): 1
Numerology (Pythagorean): 7
Name Vibrations: Buy Report
Religion: Hindu
Rashi: धनु(Sagittarius) - ये(Ye), यो(Yo), भा(Bhaa), भी(Bhee), भू(Bhoo), धा(Dhaa), फा(Phaa), ढ(Dha), भे(Bhe)
Nakshatra: मूल (Mula) - ये(Ye), यो(Yo), भा(Bhaa), भी(Bhee)
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