Baby Name Meaning

Meaning of Yati

Name: Yati
Meaning: Goddess Durga; One who strives with the pertinacity of purpose; One who makes the people obtain the divine wisdom by reducing the ignorance
Gender: Boy
Numerology (Chaldean): 7
Numerology (Pythagorean): 1
Name Vibrations: Buy Report
Religion: Hindu
Rashi: वृश्चिक(Scorpio) - तो(To), ना(Naa), नी(Nee), नू(Noo), ने(Ne), नो(No), या(Yaa), यी(Yee), यू(Yoo)
Nakshatra: ज्येष्ठा(Jyeshtha) - नो(No), या(Yaa), यी(Yee), यू(Yoo)
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